Products & Services

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Blood Bank Centrifuge

'Eltek' Blood Bank Refrigerator is Floor Model with convenient height for easy operation. The centrifuges are with sturdy and sate steel body with corrosion resistant epoxy coating and stainless steel refrigerated centrifuging chamber. Double walled lid with easy to handle gas spring hinges and mechanical and electronic safely Locks, Centrifuge is provided with mobility and adjustable rubber padded jacks leveling and sturdy locking on the floor. Two different models are offered in this range. 

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Blood Bank Refrigerator

Eltek' Blood Bank Refrigerator is specially designed incorporating aesthetic design and latest technologies for Blood Bank applications .These refrigerator are available in 10 basic models suite storage requirements. They are equipped with Hermitical type heavy duty compressors. Inner chamber having direct airflow system temperature uniformity to maintain a vital operational temperature Of 40C. The Micro-controller based LCD graphic display ensures crystal clear accurate temperature values from long distance. The transparent inner Acrylic door provides clear viewing of material kept in the chamber. 

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Plazma Freezer

'Eltek' Plasma Freezer is specifically designed Its usage includes preservation of plasma and blood components at desired low temperature. The system includes micro controller based graphic display which ensures crystal clear accurate temperature value from long distance Operation is made simple with the help soft button . Door locking system also provided for better security. Freezer Consists High-Tech rapid cooling System provides* quick pull Of Temperature upto -40°C. 

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Platelet Incubator

Eltek' Platelet Incubator is designed to Store platelet concentrate in continuous motion for use in blood banks, The Outer body made mild steel 1mm thick) powder coated: inner chamber is tabric3te6 of stainless steel 304 grade 0.8mm thickness. The system includes micro-controller based LCD graphic display which ensures crystal clear and accurate temperature value from long distance Chamber mounting electrical outlet available for agitator Forced air circulation inside the chamber for temperature uniformity. Glass window in the door for clear visibility inside the chamber. 

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Platelet Agitator

Eltek’ Platelet Agitator is designed to stole platelet bags with good ventilation and continuous motion. Steel plated sliding trays can be removed for cleaning as well as easy removal and loading of bags in the tray Heavy duty baring for smooth operation. Interlace facility with Eltek incubator for auto stop when door open. 

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Blood Collection Monitor

Eltek Blood Collection Monitor is specially designed for homogenous mixing of blood and Anticoagulant without clot formation of blood tells during collection of blood from the donor. It has an Audio-Visual alarm function to notify Low/High flow and completion of donation. Battery back-up (Model ECM- 02) is an ideal choice for outdoor camps. 
Salient Features:

  • Micro controller based LCD graphic display. 
  • Removable Magnetic ABS Tray. 
  • Battery back-up (Optional), 
  • Soft button for easy operation. 
  • Display having time, set grams and process value 
  • 2 preset volume of 350ml and 450m], 
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Blood Bag Tube Sealer

Eltek Blood Bag Tube Sealer is made finest materials which ensure Efficient sealing blood bag at all times, Its advanced Radio Frequency Sealing System Ensures hermetic sealing minimizing hemolysis blood Tube segments can be easily separated after sealing. It is designed to protect itself from any mechanical electrical hazards Its erogonomic design makes it user friendly and flexible to be operated anywhere in blood banks or blood donation camps. It is light in weight which makes it easy to carry. 

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Blood Bank Weighing Scale

Eltek Micro-controller based Blood Bank Weighing Scale is specially designed for weighing blood and blood components. It can measure accurate value 01 Blood components as per the specific gravity the blood components.
Salient Features:

  • Auto-conversion of weight to volume. 
  • Auto calibration 
  • LCD micro-processor based display. 
  • Compact model.
  • Polycarbonate molded body.
  • Accuracy = 1gm/ml. 
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Double Pan Weighing Scale

Eltek Double Pan Weighing Scale is designed to provide accurate weighing of blood bag carrier\bucket prior to centrifugation in order to avoid imbalanced centrifugation operation. The actual "eight 01 the contents is displayed in real time and can be adjusted simultaneously by adding or removing weights. The differential weight in grams is also displayed at. the same time Double Weighing Scale increases the productivity in blood Banks by reducing the time required during balancing components separation process in bank centrifuge. 

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Blood Donor Couch

Eltek' Micro Controller based Blood Donor Couch is designed for comfortable position for Donor as per the hemodynamic principles. Donors body position adjustable upright by using Remote control. Seat arrangement designed with consideration to maximize donor comfort. The chair has special tray on which accessories like BP Apparatus, Blood collection Monitor can placed be conveniently.

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Plasma Thawing Bath

Eltek' min controller based Plasma thawing Bath is designed for quick 'hawing at plasma at 37'C,Temperature is controlled by LCD temperature controller It has smooth acrylic trays to ensure the safety of plasma bags The magnetic pump maintains precise temperature uniformity inside the It is specially designed for safety and reliably thaw fixed frozen plasma (FFP).

Ac Drives * Ac Induction Motor * Ac Motors * Blood Bag Tube Sealer * Blood Bank Centrifuge * Blood Bank Refrigerated Centrifuge * Blood Bank Refrigerator * Blood Bank Weighing Scale * Blood Collection Monitor * Blood Donor Couch * Brake Motor * Centrifuges For Laboratory * Clinical Centrifuge * Concrete Vibrator Motor * Cooling Incubators * Cooling Tower Motor * Crane Duty Cage Motors * Crane Duty Motor * Crane Heavy Duty Electric Motor * Crane Heavy Duty Motor * Dc Drive * Dc Drives * Deep Freezer * Double Geared Motor * Double Pan Weighing Scale * Dual Speed Motor * Dual Voltage Motor * Duel Break Motors * Duel Speed Motors * Energy Efficient Motors * Flange Mounted Motors * Flange Mounting Motor * Flange Type Vertical Brake Motor * Floor Mill Domestic Motor * Floor Mill Motor * Floor Washing Motor * Floor Washing Single Phase Motor * Fluxstir * Foot Flange Mounted Motor * Foot Mounted Motors * Frequency Electric Motor * Frequency Motor * High Speed Refrigerated Research Centrifuge * High Speed Research Centrifuge * High Volume Refrigerated Centrifuge * Hoist Heavy Duty Motor * Induction Motors * Inline Helical Geared Motors * Jewellery Electric Motor * Jewellery Motor * Laboratory Agitators * Laboratory Centrifuges * Laboratory Equipments * Laboratory Refrigerator * Laboratory Stirrers * Labspin Centrifuge * Low Speed Research Centrifuge * Low Vibration Motor * Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate * Marine Heavy Duty Motor * Medico Centrifuge * Oil Centrifuge * One Rpm Double Geared Motor * Orbital Shaker * Pathological Centrifuge * Plasma Thawing Bath * Platelet Agitator * Platelet Incubator * Plazma Freezer * Polishing Motor * Products * Quick Freezer * Refrigerated Microspin Centrifuge * Regulators * Rerolling Mill Duty Motors * Ring Motor * Rota Mantle * Single Phase B56 Type Motor * Single Phase Induction Motor * Single Phase Light Weight Motor * Slipring Motors * Special Purpose Flange Mounting Motor * Special Purpose Single Phase Motor * Stirrers * Stirrers For Laboratory * Table Top Oil Centrifuge * Three Phase Induction Motor * Torque Electric Motor * Torque Motor * Vertical Brake Motor * Vibrator Motor * Voltage Electric Motor * Voltage Motor * Vortex Mixer * Water Bath * Brake Motors * Dc Motors * Ac Motor * Electric Power Motor * Hoist Motors * Electrical Motors Mfgrs * Electrical Motors Dealers * Fhp Motors * Flange Motors * Gear Motor * Vibratory Motors * Single Phase Motors * Three Phase Motors * Stepping Motor * Stepper Motor * Ac Drive